Senior Adult Ministries at Hermitage Church of the Nazarene
Join a vibrant, active group of Seniors here at HCN. You will find a place here to worship, be discipled, cultivate relationships, and serve missionally.
9:00 AM Chapel Worship
10:30 AM Center Worship
Sundays at 8:00 a.m. – Early Christians Community Life Group, room 107
Sundays at 9:00 a.m. – Faith Builders or Genesis Community Life Groups, rooms 215 and 220
Senior Adult & Friends Lunch — 1st Thursday of each month at noon (unless otherwise advertised). Enjoy time to connect with Pastoral Staff Team members. Bring a favorite dish or dessert to share.
Friday Night Game Night – weekly at 6:00 PM in the parlor. Bring your favorite table games and snacks to share.
Our Senior Adults serve in a variety of capacities from HCN lawn-care and minor maintenance to age level ministries, as well as participation in Mission Africa, Rest Stop Ministries, Room in the Inn and Hospitality Ministries. If you need help connecting, contact our Pastoral Staff team for assistance.